Upload Menu

The Upload Menu endpoint on the Grubtech platform allows the creation of a menu for a specific store. This endpoint is designed to handle complex menu structures and ensures that all menu items, categories, and modifiers are uploaded and properly configured for integration with Grubtech's POS application.

  • Menu Creation: This endpoint facilitates the creation and structuring of a restaurant's menu on Grubtech's platform.

  • Store-Specific Menus: The menu being uploaded is associated with a specific store, ensuring that each store can have a distinct menu if needed.

  • Supports Nested Modifiers: For POS systems that support nested modifiers (i.e., modifiers within modifiers), this endpoint allows for the inclusion of those nested structures within the menu payload. Nested modifiers allow for hierarchical grouping, where a modifier can have additional sub-options. To properly configure nested modifiers, refer to the step-by-step process outlined in POS Platforms Supporting Nested Modifiers. Ensure that the payload follows the correct format to nest these modifiers.

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