
List of area information in a city((e.g. Business Bay).

Field NameData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255)Unique identifier for the area.
createdattimestampDate and time when the area entry was created.
createdbyvarchar(255)The user or system that created the area entry.
modifiedattimestampDate and time when the area entry was last modified.
modifiedbyvarchar(255)The user or system that last modified the area entry.
statusvarchar(255)Current status of the area entry.
tagsvarchar(255)Tags associated with the area.
centerlatitudefloat8Latitude for the area's center or central point.
centerlongitudefloat8Longitude for the area's center or central point.
cityidvarchar(255)Identifier for the city in which the area is located. Links to the public.gdata_master_city table.
descriptionvarchar(2000)Detailed description or notes about the area.
namevarchar(1000)Full name of the area.


  • The cityid field in the public.gdata_master_area table should ideally reference the id field in the public.gdata_master_city table, forming a foreign key relationship.
    • Description: Each area entry in public.gdata_master_area can be linked to a specific city in the public.gdata_master_city table, signifying which city the area is a part of.