

Loyalty point specifies information related to a customer's loyalty points, as managed by a loyalty management system.

Column NameData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255) NOT NULLUnique identifier for the loyalty point entry.
tagsvarchar(255)Additional tags or labels related to the loyalty point entry.
paymentloyaltynotesvarchar(255)Notes or comments related to the loyalty points used for the order.
paymentloyaltypointsvarchar(255)The number of loyalty points used for the order payment.
paymentloyaltyreferencevarchar(255)Reference data or identifier, possibly pointing to an external loyalty system, for the loyalty points used.
paymentloyaltysystemvarchar(255)The system or platform where the loyalty points originated, which can be useful when integrating with external loyalty programs or platforms.
order_idvarchar(255)Reference to the unique identifier for the order this loyalty point entry is associated with.