

The OrderHistoryMetaData table provides supplementary information related to order status history entries. Each entry in this table associates additional metadata, such as a key-value pair, with a specific order status history record. The table ensures data integrity by linking its entries to the primary gdata_order_status_history table through a foreign key relationship on the order_history_id.

Column NameData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255) NOT NULLUnique identifier for the status history metadata entry.
tagsvarchar(255)Additional tags or labels related to the status history metadata entry.
keyvarchar(255)The metadata key for the status history. This could represent the type or category of the metadata.
orderidvarchar(255)Reference to the unique identifier for the order this status history metadata is associated with.
statusvarchar(255)Current status of the order associated with this metadata entry. Useful for filtering metadata entries by a specific status.
valuevarchar(255)The actual data or value associated with the metadata key for this status history entry.
order_history_idvarchar(255)Reference to the unique identifier for the status history this metadata entry is associated with.