
Order source information specifies the platform or channel in which an order was received. This could be a food aggregator app (like Uber Eats or DoorDash), a Point of Sale (POS) system within a physical store, an online ordering platform on your website, or any other channel.

Tracking the source of each order provides valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior. It also assists in evaluating the performance of various sales channels, helping you optimize your marketing and sales strategies accordingly.

Column NameData TypeDescription
tagsvarchar(255)Additional labels or tags for the order from the source system.
channelvarchar(255)Source or medium of the order (e.g., mobile app, website, POS system).
integrationvarchar(255)The integration or platform from which the order originated.
remotestoreidvarchar(255)ID to identify the remote store or location where the order was placed.
sourcecreatedattimestampTimestamp indicating when the order was created in the source system.
sourceidvarchar(255)ID to identify the source system or application.
uniqueorderidvarchar(500)An order ID that's unique across various systems or platforms.
order_idvarchar(255) NOT NULLMain order identifier that links to the gdata_order table.