
Order details include the key information about each transaction. These details include:

  • Brand: This denotes the specific brand for which the order was made.
  • Location: The physical location (restaurant or cloud kitchen) where the order was prepared.
  • Order IDs: Unique identifiers for each order, to assist in tracking and management.
  • Prices: The total cost of the order, including the individual item prices and applicable taxes.

By maintaining a record of these order details, you can monitor and analyze transaction data for improved business insights and decision-making.

General Information:

Column NameData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255)Unique identifier for the order.
displayidvarchar(255)Display ID/Order ID or External ID for inquiries or references.
createdbyvarchar(255)Identifier for the creator of the order.
modifiedattimestampTimestamp when the order was last modified.
modifiedbyvarchar(255)Identifier for the last modifier of the order.
tagsvarchar(255)Additional tags or labels for the order.
commentvarchar(2000)Additional comments or notes related to the order.
instructionsvarchar(2000)Special instructions provided for the order.

Transaction Details:

Column NameData TypeDescription
paymentcurrencyvarchar(255)Currency used for the payment.
paymentmethodvarchar(255)Payment method used (e.g., cash, card).
paymentstatusvarchar(255)Payment status (e.g., prepaid, postpaid).
discountcodevarchar(255)Discount code applied to the order, if any.

Applicable Payment Methods :

Payment MethodDescription
PREPAIDPrepaid orders from the food aggregators.
CARDPay by card.
CASHPay by cash.
FOCFree of charge.
MIXEDOrders pay by multiple methods(both card & cash).

Order Details:

Column NameData TypeDescription
statusvarchar(255)Current status of the order.
orderstatusvarchar(255)Detailed status of the order (refer order status table).
ordertypevarchar(255)Type of order (e.g., dine-in,pickup, delivery).
orderplacedtimetimestampTimestamp when the order was placed.
orderreceivedtimetimestampTimestamp when the order was received.
scheduledtimetimestampScheduled time for the order, if applicable.
deliveryplanvarchar(255)Delivery plan (ASAP or SCHEDULED).
channelvarchar(255)Source of the order (e.g., food aggregator app, POS).

Applicable Order Status :

Status NameDescription
OrderCreatedCustomer has placed the order. Awaiting restaurant confirmation.
OrderAcceptedRestaurant has confirmed and accepted the order. Preparing to cook.
OrderStartedRestaurant has begun preparing the meal.
OrderOnHoldAn issue has arisen, such as missing ingredients, requiring the order to be temporarily paused.
OrderResumedThe earlier issue has been resolved, and the restaurant has resumed preparing the meal.
OrderPreparedMeal is ready and awaiting packaging or pickup by the delivery personnel.
OrderReadyToDispatchMeal is packaged and waiting for the delivery person to transport it.
OrderDispatchedDelivery person has the meal and is en route to the customer's location.
OrderCompletedMeal has been successfully delivered to the customer.
OrderRejectedRestaurant was unable to fulfill the order (e.g., an item is out of stock).
OrderCanceledCustomer,Food Aggragator or restaurant has canceled the order. Reasons can vary.

Integration and Platform Details:

Column NameData TypeDescription
integrationvarchar(255)Integration details or platform associated with the order.
partnernamevarchar(255)Name of the partner associated with the order.

Location and Branding:

Column NameData TypeDescription
brandidvarchar(255)Identifier for the brand associated with the order.
brandnamevarchar(255)Name of the brand associated with the order.
locationidvarchar(255)Identifier for the location where the order was prepared.
locationnamevarchar(255)Name of the location where the order was prepared.
menuidvarchar(255)Identifier for the menu associated with the order.

Pricing Details:

Column NameData TypeDescription
grossamountfloat8Gross amount before any discounts.
discountamountfloat8Total discount amount applied to the order.
netamountfloat8Net amount after discounts and taxes have been applied.
taxamountfloat8Total tax amount applied to the order.
taxexclusivediscountamountfloat8Discount amount excluding tax.
taxexclusiveunitpricefloat8Unit price excluding tax.
totalchargesamountfloat8Total amount of all charges applied to the order.
totalpricefloat8Total price of the order including items, taxes, and charges.
unitpricefloat8Unit price for the order items.