Store Integration

What is a Store?

Grubtech defines a store as a unique location of a single brand. For example different branches of a single brand are treated as different stores. In situations where multiple brands are being served out of a single physical location each brand at this location will be treated as a different store as well.

Store Id

Each store has a unique identifier. This identifier is used throughout the integration process. This identifier can either be shared by Grubtech to the Ordering Platform or vice versa. We recommend using a V4 UUID for this purpose. Currently there is no API support for syncing storeIds and this must be done manually by contacting our integration team when a new store needs to be integrated.

Store Based Configurations

Grubtech allows partners to configure different menus for different stores. Grubtech also allows partners to make store level pricing adjustments and manage store specific item availability.

Grubtech can configure different menus for different fulfillment types such as pickup and delivery. In order to support this capability each brand-location-fulfillment combination must have unique store ids. This is an optional feature, and you should notify our team if this capability is required.