Getting Started

Connection Requirements

To connect to the destination database, you must provide the following database information:

  • Host URL
  • Port Number
  • Username
  • Password

To enhance security, you are recommended to whitelist the following IP addresses in your firewall settings:


This measure ensures a secure and seamless communication with Grubtech.

Setup on AWS

Various methods can be found to host your database. Here we provide instructions on how to setup your database on AWS:

If you use AWS RDS for your destination database, we recommend that you use an instance of type t3. medium or higher. For security purposes, you are advised to whitelist our service in your security group. Our service, gData, is hosted in AWS London (eu-west-2). If you choose to host your RDS in the same region, you can create a private link to prevent your traffic from routing through the public internet. This method offers greater security and guarantees optimal performance.

How gData works

Note: In the initial phase, support is provided only for PostgreSQL databases (version 10.0 and above).

Initial Data Sync

Existing customers may have data in GrubTech since the day you started. However, gData will only start piping from the day gData was configured. In order to pipe older data - you must make a request to GrubTech to have it manually synced".

Data Elements

Refer the data elements that are available: