

Applicable taxes for each menu item or a modifier.

Column NameData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255) NOT NULLUnique identifier for the tax entry associated with an order line item.
uniqueorderlineentryidvarchar(255)Foreign key reference to the gdata_order_line table, linking tax details with specific line items.
orderidvarchar(255)Identifier for the order associated with this tax entry.
tagsvarchar(255)Additional tags or labels for the tax entry.
itemtypevarchar(255)Type or category of the item associated with this tax entry (MENU_ITEM/MODIFIER).
taxamountfloat8Amount of tax applied for the specific order line item.
taxidvarchar(255)Identifier for the specific tax applied.(associated to the master tax)
menuidvarchar(255)Identifier for the menu associated with the line item.
menuitemidvarchar(255)ID for the specific menu item associated with this tax entry.
modifieridvarchar(255)Identifier for any modifiers applied to the item associated with this tax entry.
uniquemenuitemidvarchar(255)A unique identifier for the menu item to identify it and its modifiers (both have the same unique menu item id).