Serving Hours and Shifts

This is an example of operating hours for a store which is operational from Sunday to Saturday from 10 am to 11 pm but not operational on Friday:

  • 24 hours format (HH:MM local time) to be followed for start and end
  • 'End at' cannot be 00:00
  • Day of the week will be broken into two entries if there are two separate shifts in a day
"servingHours": [
      "dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
      "timePeriods": [
                        "start": "00:00",
                        "end": "23:59"
      "dayOfWeek": "TUESDAY",
     "timePeriods": [
                        "start": "00:00",
                        "end": "23:59"
      "dayOfWeek": "WEDNESDAY",
      "timePeriods": [
                        "start": "00:00",
                        "end": "23:59"
      "dayOfWeek": "THURSDAY",
      "timePeriods": [
                        "start": "00:00",
                        "end": "23:59"
      "dayOfWeek": "SATURDAY",
      "timePeriods": [
                        "start": "00:00",
                        "end": "23:59"
      "dayOfWeek": "SUNDAY",
     "timePeriods": [
                        "start": "00:00",
                        "end": "23:59"