

Categories are various sections or groupings within a menu. For example: If 'GrubPizza' is your menu, it can be subdivided into different categories like 'Appetizers', 'Combos', 'Pizzas', and 'Desserts'. Each category helps to structure your menu more effectively, making it easier for customers to navigate and find what they're looking for.

AttributeData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255)Unique identifier for the menu category
tagsvarchar(255)Tags associated with the menu category
brandidvarchar(255)Identifier for the brand of the menu category
categoryidvarchar(255)Identifier for the category
descriptionvarchar(3000)Detailed description of the menu category
imagetypevarchar(255)Category Image Type Color/Image
imagevaluevarchar(255)Actual value or path of the image or the color hex value
"name"varchar(2000)Name of the menu category
partneridvarchar(255)Identifier for the partner associated with the menu category
servinghourrestrictionmodevarchar(255)Mode indicating any serving hour restrictions
sortindexint4Index for sorting the menu categories
menuidvarchar(255)ID of the associated menu