
The menu provides a comprehensive picture of what your brand offers to customers on food delivery platforms. It not only informs customers about the dishes available but also provides details regarding tax implications and where the meals are being served from.

AttributeData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255)Unique identifier for the menu
createdattimestampDate and time when the menu was created
createdbyvarchar(255)Identifier for the user who created the menu
modifiedattimestampDate and time when the menu was last modified
modifiedbyvarchar(255)Identifier for the user who last modified the menu
statusvarchar(255)Current status of the menu
tagsvarchar(255)Tags associated with the menu
bannerimagevarchar(255)Link or path to the banner image of the menu
brandidvarchar(255)Identifier for the brand of the menu
currencyidvarchar(255)Identifier for the currency used in the menu
descriptionvarchar(3000)Detailed description of the menu
"name"varchar(2000)Name of the menu
partneridvarchar(255)Identifier for the partner associated with the menu