

Refers to a modifier group. For example: 'Meat selection', could include options like 'beef', 'chicken', or 'vegetarian'. Similarly, a 'Drinks selection' modifier group could include choices like 'soda', 'iced tea', or 'water'. These groups enable a structured way to offer customizations, enhancing the customer's ability to personalize their order according to their preferences.

AttributeData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255)Unique identifier for the modifier group
tagsvarchar(255)Tags associated with the modifier group
externalidvarchar(255)External identifier if the group comes from another system
maxcountint4Maximum count of modifiers that can be selected
mincountint4Minimum count of modifiers that can be selected
modifiergroupidvarchar(255)Alternative id for identify the modifier group
sortindexint4Index for sorting the modifier groups
recipeidvarchar(255)ID of the associated recipe