

The OrderStatusHistory table chronicles the progression of orders by logging status changes over time. Each record captures a unique status update for an order, associating it with details like order ID, partner ID, and a timestamp. This allows for a detailed, chronological tracking of each order's journey.

Column NameData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255) NOT NULLUnique identifier for the status history entry.
tagsvarchar(255)Additional tags or labels related to the status history entry.
descriptionvarchar(2000)A detailed description or reason associated with the particular status. Useful for providing context on status changes.
orderidvarchar(255)Reference to the unique identifier for the order this status history entry is associated with.
partneridvarchar(255)Identifier for the partner associated with the order at the time of this status. Useful for tracking which partner made the status change.
statusvarchar(255)Current status of the order at the time of this entry.
timestamptimestampTimestamp indicating when this status change occurred.