

Refers to specific hours in which certain menu items are available. These times dictate when particular items or categories will be visible and available for ordering on food aggregator apps.

For example: a 'Breakfast' category may only be available from 7 AM to 11 AM, while a 'Dinner' category might be visible from 5 PM onwards. By setting these serving times, you can effectively manage your offerings and operations based on the time of day, ensuring a smooth dining experience for your customers.

AttributeData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255)Unique identifier for the serving hour entry
tagsvarchar(255)Tags associated with the serving hour
dayofweekvarchar(255)Day of the week the serving hour applies to
endtimevarchar(255)Ending time for the serving hour
menuidvarchar(255)ID of the associated menu
starttimevarchar(255)Starting time for the serving hour
menucategoryidvarchar(255)ID of the associated menu category