
Common Tax definitions.

Field NameData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255)The unique identifier for each record in the gdata_master_tax table.
createdattimestampThe date and time when the record was created.
createdbyvarchar(255)The identifier or name of the user who created the record.
modifiedattimestampThe date and time when the record was last modified.
modifiedbyvarchar(255)The identifier or name of the user who last modified the record.
statusvarchar(255)The status of the record, e.g., "ACTIVE".
tagsvarchar(255)Tags or labels associated with the record.
codevarchar(255)A code related to the record, e.g., "VAT".
displaynamevarchar(255)A human-readable name or title for the record, e.g., "VAT" for code "VAT".