
Menu Items represent the actual dishes offered on your menu and linked to the corresponding recipes. To retrieve detailed information about a menu item like its name, description, and applicable modifiers, it needs to be mapped with its respective recipe.

Menu Items are housed under various categories within a menu. It's important to note that the same menu item can belong to one or more categories. To avoid confusion and ensure accurate data mapping each menu item is assigned a unique id. Irrespective of its category placement, this unique id helps to maintain a clear, unambiguous identification of each item.

AttributeData TypeDescription
idvarchar(255)Unique identifier for the menu item
tagsvarchar(255)Tags associated with the menu item
brandidvarchar(255)Identifier for the brand of the menu item
categoryidvarchar(255)Identifier for the category the menu item belongs to
externalidvarchar(255)External identifier if the menu item comes from another system
menuitemidvarchar(255)Identifier for the menu item
partneridvarchar(255)Identifier for the partner associated with the menu item
recipeidvarchar(255)ID of the associated recipe
sortindexint4Index for sorting the menu items
statusvarchar(255)Current status of the menu item
menucategoryuniqueidvarchar(255)Unique ID of the associated menu category